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皆さんはどのような本を英語で読んでいますか。英語に気軽に触れるために、多読用のGraded Readersや、いわゆるヤングアダルト小説を楽しんでいる人も多いのではないでしょうか。



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(17:47 10.7MB 初級~中級)*** It's a Good Expression ***




Twilight (2005-2008)

Stephenie Meyer (1973-)によるヤングアダルト小説のシリーズ。計4巻で構成され、The Twilight Sagaとして映画化された。

Death of a Salesman (1949)

アメリカの劇作家Arthur Miller (1915-2005)の代表作。第二次世界大戦後のアメリカ社会をめぐる問題を描き出した家族ドラマ。Millerは一時期Marilyn Monroeと結婚していたことでも有名。

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940)

アメリカの文豪Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)作。スペイン内戦を舞台に、アメリカ人義勇兵と、両親をファシストに殺された娘との恋を描いた小説。1943年に映画化され、アカデミー作品賞を受賞。

The Sun Also Rises (1926)

同じくヘミングウェイによる作品。第一次世界大戦が原因で性的不能者になったアメリカ人の男を主人公に、Lost Generationと呼ばれる世代の無力感を描く。

The Bell Jar (1963)

アメリカの詩人・小説家Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)の代表作。10代の女子の不安定な気持ちを描いた自伝的小説。




to point ~ in the right direction


the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

スペイン内戦。第二次世界大戦の前哨戦となり、ヘミングウェイのFor Whom the Bell Tollsやピカソの「ゲルニカ」など、同時代の文学・芸術作品にも影響を与えた。

Dare I ask you ~?


to fall into depression




Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

イギリスの小説家・批評家。繊細な文体で人間の意識を描写し、モダニズム文学の中心的存在となった。代表作にMrs. Dallowayなどがある。(ちなみに会話の男性が語っているような、いわゆる"sad"な小説はあまり書いていない)

*** Script ***

(Slow speed) 04:45-07:55

(Natural speed) 13:20-15:25

Some Good American Books

Scene: Two students have just entered a bookstore.

M: So, what type of books do you usually like to read, anyway?

W: Well, usually I'll read just about anything, but as of right now I'm looking for a book about the States, because I'm leaving to go over there soon, you know. Though I wanted something a little substantial-- none of that Twilight stuff. What about you? What do you usually read?

M: Oh, I usually try to read different types of books. But if you're looking for American literature, I think I might be able to point you in the right direction.

W: Oh really? Well, all right then, lead the way!

M: OK. Let's see… what have they got here? Oh, Death of a Salesman. That's a play… so that wouldn't really be what you're looking for. Hmm… how about… Ernest Hemingway.

W: Yeah, I've heard of him. Is he any good?

M: I actually really like him. His books are interesting, especially For Whom the Bell Tolls. It's about an American during the Spanish Civil War. And The Sun Also Rises is also really good. It's about a group of people who travel down from France into Spain to watch a bullfight.

W: While that DOES sound interesting, how about a book set in America? And a book with a woman as the main character?

M: Well, there's The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.

W: OK, that sounds interesting. Dare I ask what its about?

M: It's about a girl who falls into depression.

W: Jeeze, sounds sad. I don't really like sad things.

M: And let me just say… although the book ends NOT depressing, DON'T read about the author's life.

W: Fine, just give me the book… Wait. Here's another one. Who's this Virginia Woolf?

M: Oh, oh. If you don't like sad things, I would just put that one down…

(Written by Matthew Bola)