新シリーズ「アメリカ探究の旅〜イングリッシュポッドキャスト・英語を学ぶはじめの一歩〜」(Adventure in America)の第18回目です。少し英語が苦手!という皆さんを対象にした、長さもレベルも聞きやすい番組です。しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。




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※毎月第2週目に「アメリカ探究の旅」を2編ずつ配信します。Adventure in America (18)

場面: ジュンとリディアは映画館の外を歩いています。

W: So, Jun, how did you like the movie?

M: Well, the movie was interesting, but people kept talking in the theater.

W: Yeah, that's pretty common in America. As long as you aren't being too loud, or talking through the whole movie, then usually nobody complains.

M: But that disturbs the other people in the theater. It's so rude!

W: It kind of is, but it's become kind of expected that people will talk in the theatre. In fact, it was weird to me how silent it was when I went to a theater in Japan.

M: Really? But didn't it make the experience more enjoyable, not having to listen to other people talking?

W: Sort of, but I'm so used to people talking that I don't even notice it unless they're really loud. I would even normally whisper comments to my friends during a movie.

M: Really??? That's horrible!

(Written by Lauren DeCosta)