Companies complain that they can’t find people yet they do a lot of alienating of potential hires through their actions. Identifying and fixing what drives people away in each stage of the interview process, looking at data of where the best hires are produced, and learning the trends in the Industry will increase the pool of better candidates for your business.

Episode highlights:

What drives candidates away?
How do we fix these issues

What drives people away?

Job description- selfish, not engaging,
First contact - too selling job focused
Interview - prepared, structured, Format
Follow up process

Hurdles in Applicant tracking systems/Interview process

Missing human connection

Job boards are getting less traction  

Evolution of video interviews & ai… matching
Candidate experience- cannot do @ scale
Automated process & gaming

Look at your data. Where are the best hires produced?

Changing the mix of were you recruit.  *do the opposite of what you are doing now!
Job ads- alienating people….need to Engage people, *contact & follow up
Blind resumes?  *eliminate bias
Messaging- party environment
Getting past bias

What needs to be fixed?

Job description
First contact
Follow up process

 Trends in the Industry

What’s working & What’s not

Todd Raphael manages global publications and conferences for ERE Media, a global community of recruiters and others in the talent field. He has appeared on Sirius XM,, Wall Street Journal, Time, Forbes, and more.

Todd was named DevSkiller's 2016 "50 Most Game-Changing Influencers In Recruitment." Named Glassdoor's "2015 HR & Recruiting Thought Leaders" and HR Examiner's "Top 100 Influencers" list in employment/human resources and its top 25 Online Influencers.

He was listed on Mike Vangel of TMP's "60 Or So True Influencers In Social+Mobile Media and/or Recruitment."

Check out the Blog on the Stride Search, Inc site for the supplementary “show recap” article with detailed takeaways/insights from the interview.