The two biggest complaints I hear today from entrepreneurs are “I can't find good people” and “when I hire people, the skills don’t match up”.

The first issue, not being able to “find good people” is an easy one to solve. You're fishing in the wrong ponds! Posting & praying may be working for some roles but the more crucial roles require that more creative tactics be deployed. Go to where your audience is interacting regularly. Hint: Not job boards.

The second issue, “skills not matching” with what a person represented in the interview, is a HUGE indicator of a poor interview process.

Too often we hear what we want to hear (confirmation bias) and we quickly move to get the person to accept the position. Never digging deeper to understand the what, when & how of a person’s work.

Remember the purpose of the interview is to understand the truth of the person across the desk from you.

I’m Rick Girard and welcome to the Hire Power Radio Show. We help Entrepreneurs and executives WIN-WIN the strongest hires. 

By sharing insights from top-performing rebel entrepreneurs, game-changers & industry leaders. Like our guest today: Ashish Rampal

Ashish serves as President and CEO of All Imaging Systems. He brings nearly 30 years of experience delivering high growth among, Service and Green Tech companies. 

His passion for bringing strategy and innovation together has fueled a long list of leadership accomplishments. Ashish has risen to complex challenges where he has crafted growth strategies, tapped new emerging markets and energized global teams – with many successes coming within turnaround environments. 

His leadership approach reflects his deep expertise in creating and leveraging teams that are driven to innovate and excel.

Today we discuss:

How to find the right people outside of job boards
How to dig deeper on skills to gain evidence of competency

Hiring Story

Hire - skills did not match the skills for the job
Kept on for 8 months moving from role to role
Right person on the wrong bus

Demonstrated Ashish being a weak leader 
Intention was one of care & empathy but it was misaligned with the goal of making high performance be their best
Warning signs
Pushbacks from key people not to have to interact with that person
Cost 8 months of salary- $40k
Impact to culture
Impact the trust of his team

Challenge today?

Finding people through social networks who are not on LinkedIn
Resources are not digital natives
No LinkedIn account
Training programs alumni 

Why is this important to the company?

People are the path to which we scale
To be a relevant business need to bring value over the OEM’s
More cost effective option
Reverse engineering to repair

Rick’s Nuggets

SourcesPassive referrals
LinkedIn sourcing
Professional groups /associations
Meetups, repositories, college faculty

How do we solve the problem? 

Bring complex challenges into the company
Unique business - OEM agnostic, lot of learning opportunities and exposure to different technology
Full exposure to business life cycle
Solving a problem with minimal competitor

Talent is recognized 
People Feel respected
Have a voice - Let you know when a bad hire has been made
Love the challenge
Like who they work with
Failure is accepted and celebrated

Demonstrate Leadership
Trust through empowerment
Focus on Morale
Self introspection
Culture of win or affirm, working on today, need help
Inject energy -”try to change the weather”
Let the team connect emotionally  

Rick’s Nuggets

Competency digging
First discussed on the Discovery callImpact made in the organization
The exact steps taken to complete the project 

Interview- Working Session Solve a relevant problem together with the team

Key Takeaways that the Audience can plug into their business today!  -Value:

You are the custodian of the culture - you define
In times of fear or uncertainty the best response is ACTION
Teams prefer a leader who is REAL as opposed to one who is CORRECT

Guest Links:

LinkedIn: Company: LinkedIn:

Host Links:

LinkedIn: Company: Podcast: Authored: "Healing Career Wounds" HireOS inquiry: [email protected] Show

Sponsor: Criteria Corp: