Today's Guest: Jerri Rosen, Founder & CEO of Working Wardrobes

Jerri’s organization helps over 5,000 men, women, veterans and young adults each year re-enter the workforce with career development services and professional wardrobing.

Today we are discussing:

The hidden gem that is the veteran pool
How to find and hire veterans to diversify your talent pool

Why Companies don't actively seek to hire veterans?

Think they all have ptsd
Not knowing the value of the training that vets get in the military
Not knowing the true value
Too much bad press 
Painting with a brush that is very negative
Vets fall on hard times because they miss the discipline/brotherhood

Why is this important to the company to hire veterans?

Intense loyalty, when treated with dignity
Absolutely mission driven
Path of a veteran
Make outstanding employees
Can help recruit -underground network

How do we find and hire veteran talent? Decide to hire outside your comfort zone

Outstanding, dedicated people

Finding Vets

Active duty national guard or reserves (highly under employed)
Vet spouses, 
Military connection through working wardrobes, on your own
Vetnet team

Interviewing & Hiring 

Understand a MOS- military status
Translate what was done in the military to civilian language
Look past the acronyms

Look for the passion & talents 
Experience & gravity of the work 
Look past the stoic demeanor
Recognize that task at hand/orders need to shift to a “going above and beyond” mindset
Requires a bit of patience 

Hire as normal
Understand that everything was provided for them in the military
Learning to operate in a very different world & culture
Different level of expectations 

Rick’s Nuggets

Dig deeper on what work was done and look for transferable skills to justify 

Key Takeaways:

Veterans become a much better employee 
Veterans also bring a network of additional talent
Looking to hire veterans, WW can be the one stop shop. Hidden Talent Pool!

Working Wardrobes is Rebuilding Careers, and we’ve teamed up with Hire Power Radio Show & Podcast to support this initiative.

The Hire Power Radio team has created limited edition shirts, the proceeds of which benefit Working Wardrobes. Together we can make a small dent in reeducating, coaching and providing resources for our transitioning veterans, professionals and workers affected by the current world landscape.

Get yours here: T-shirts

Guest Contact:

Website: Working Wardrobes

Office Number: 714-210-2460