Why do great candidates run after going through your company's interview process? The answer: disorganized Mess!

This week, legendary recruiting trainer Peter Leffkowitz joined us on Hire Power Radio Show to discuss why implementing effective interview processes is essential for your company’s success.

Peter Leffkowitz is the founder and CEO of Morgan Consulting Group and Morgan 20/20 Search. Peter has developed and guided the largest training and consulting company to the staffing industry, and has personally trained over 60,000 recruiters from around the world. Peter also runs his private brand,  Morgan 20/20 Search, a firm that specializes in very tight, high demand/low supply niches such as artificial intelligence within the drone, the driverless car industry, and international taxation.

For more information about Peter Leffkowitz and his work, visit: www.morgancg.com/

Check out the Blog on the Stride Search, Inc site for the supplementary “show recap” article with detailed takeaways/insights from the interview.