The key to retention is growth. With looming fears of “the great resignation” company’s are unsure as to how to structure the organization. Forcing a state of flux that is not healthy for the business. 

The poles tell us that at least 40% of people will quit if forced to go back into the office full time. Will your company have a mass exodus? If you have not put your people first…. Most likely.
Companies who have been fostering personal & professional growth through leadership will experience far less separation because they have put their people in front of the transaction. 

Our guest today: Sam Caucci , Founder & CEO of 1Huddle

A workforce tech company that upskills, trains, and motivates employees through science-backed, quick-burst mobile games. 

Sam founded 1Huddle on the belief that every worker deserves access to the job training, support, and coaching needed to win on the job. Put simply, 1Huddle is making training more fun, effective, and accessible for the entire workforce.

Sam is also the author of the #1 bestseller, Not Our Job: How College has Destroyed a Generation of Workers and How to Fix it. Sam is an expert in workforce engagement and development. 

Today we discuss:

Why struggle based learning is the key to retention
How to build learning into your culture

Challenge today?

Do unto others as it was done to you
Struggle is important to learning
Leverage technology to increase outcomes

Why is this important to the company?

Middle management job function is more important than ever
How do we arm them to be better coaches to the front line
55% of workers are Millennials & GenZ
They like structure
Coaching up and development 

Struggle based learning 
Game based learning 45% faster!
“Make it Stick” -Peter Brown

"It's the Manager” Only 15% or workers are engaged (before pandemic)- Gallop
#1 driver to engagement is having a coach 

How do we solve the problem? 

Struggle based learning

Content Audit
What do you have now?
Gaps - Where are the business problems?
Finding content: buy vs. build

Selecting Technology (learning management system)
Accessibility, Outcomes &
What kind of staff is required to manage it
Wrap learning in a game format
Mobile first

52 week calendar (never ending game)
Continual development
Up-skilling (stop siloing workers)
Reskill & re-onboard

Key Takeaways -Value:

Workforce technology is making it easy to more effectively onboard every worker from frontline to full time
Effective skill building and retention requires struggle
Managers need better tools and strategies to onboard, develop and engage workers.

Guest Links:

Sam Caucci:









Author of the #1 bestseller: Not Our Job: How College has Destroyed a Generation of Workers and How to Fix it (Amazon)


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