There needs to be a deliberate cadence to your interview process. 

Just like a first date, you wouldn't say “hi, I'm Rick. before we start the date, I’d like you to complete this sexual survey and if I like your answers, we can continue the date.” 

Now it may work on some people. But the question you need to ask yourself is who exactly are you weeding out?  Answer… A-Players!

Today we are talking about the pros and cons of screening mechanisms and the proper order to deploy them to keep people engaged.

Our guest today: Joel Patterson, Founder of The Vested Group

A business technology consulting firm in the Dallas, Texas area, and ForbesBooks author of The Big Commitment: Solving The Mysteries Of Your ERP Implementation. In 2011, Patterson founded The Vested Group, which focuses on bringing comprehensive cloud-based business management solutions to start-ups and well-established businesses alike. 

Joel has hired hundreds of engineers & consultants and has learned a lot about what works in an interview process.

Today we discuss:

Why a proper cadence is so critical in keeping top talent engaged
How to set the correct sequence to avoid triggering “fight or flight” in top talent

Challenge today?

Saving your time with a video screen first
Wasting a lot of time with interviews of unqualified people
Need to be efficient with people's time- billable resources
Elevated the quality of the people hired
Not as many bad hires
Missing out on good talent?
Do people want to jump through hoops?

Why is this important to the company?

Cost to replace a person
100-150k loss per person lost
Culture impact of people coming and going
Sunday test- call on a sunday

Rick’s Nuggets

Are you losing the top 20% in your screening efforts
Value driven

How do we build into your company?

Video - one way
Phone screen
Video Interview
2 sessions
Job score card
Core value 

Case Study to do

Rick’s Nuggets

Discovery call (Positioning)
PDI (Pain, Desire, Impact)
Culture, skills, culture, combo
Behavioral questions
Assessments/Assignments/Skills test
Prefer working session to determine skills
Connect the dots

Key Takeaways:

Core values drive hiring/firing decisions
Interviewers represent cross section of experience and skills levels (AMA)
Providing purpose quickly is critical to long term hiring success

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