Define and build your core company values. Companies with clearly defined values & purpose consistently outperform their competitors by as much as 10x. Today’s episode is focused on helping you define who you are.

Today's Quote:

"Effectiveness without values is a tool without a purpose." - Edward de Bono (1933 - ), Author and Inventor

Show Guest:

Rocky Romanella is currently the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Executive Speaking, Leadership Development, and Consulting Services.  

Rocky is an experienced CEO who led one of the largest rebranding initiatives in franchising history – The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market. He steered UPS’s entry into the healthcare industry and created the mantra, “It’s a patient, not a package. ®”  

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions to improve financial performance, capabilities and global network footprint. Rocky has the rare ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics and metrics to drive desired results. He is the Author of Tighten the Lug Nuts: the Principles of Balanced Leadership( 

Episode highlights:

Who you are?
Defining your company values
How to align your hiring with your values

“Without a strong set of values, the best leadership strategy can go awry. With a good value structure in place, the worst leadership approach can right itself and eventually lead to the desired outcome.” - Rocky Romanella

Why is this  Important?

People desire a sense of purpose to really thrive
Core values are the Foundation for defining your Mission & Purpose
Attrition issues/bad hires
*small business don't believe they need to have values well defined... Wrong!

How do you define who you are?

Start with your personal brand
“Your true character is defined by your honesty of purpose”
Ask peers
Company Survey
What won't I compromise

Step by step of how to define and build your core company values:

Rick’s process:

Start with Personal values first
KPI driven VS. People driven
Established Leadership Team
Define everyone’s core values and build from there.
Prioritize top values
Own your Values!

Understand your values? You must:
Articulate clearly in writing.
Test your values through daily decision-making.

Rocky’s Structure:

 How to transfer your values into your hiring:

Values Alignment
Values drive hiring
Behavioral interview process
Assessments: Disc, Predictive Learning
Don’t compromise on hiring!