Values are the foundation of what your company is built upon. As we all know, without a foundation, the structure that is built can be destroyed at any time. Too often the foundation is poured after the structure has been built. 

Our guest today: Darius Mirshahzadeh (Mir Shah Zaday), Founder of The Real Darius & Host of The Greatness Machine Podcast

Darius  is a dad, husband, twin, brother and son who was born and raised in California and now lives in Austin Texas.

He is a serial entrepreneur, author, conscious capitalist, speaker and mad scientist CEO. He was ranked #40 in Inc 500 CEO’s in 2007 and #9 in Glassdoor’s Top Ranked CEOs in America for small to medium business. He participated in Birthing of Giants at MIT, graduated from Stagen Integral Leadership Program, is a TEDx curator and expert on core values. Darius’s new book, The Core Value Equation, explains everything on core values. 

Today we discuss:

Why values are so critical in landing unobtainable talent
How to roll out a Core Values based recruiting machine

There is a silver bullet to hiring! Smart hiring decisions are much easier when you evaluate people for evidence of core value alignment, rather than skills. 

Challenge today?

Social proof
Everyone pretends to be a cool company
Making sure the best people show up
A-players are never filling out job applications

Why is this important to the company?

Not seducing with $$$
Leading with core values
Differentiating value proposition
Value hires are stronger fits for the organization
Cements a validation process
You will win Hires
You are building a better company
You are only competing with yourself
Foundation for a “REAL” conversation with each person

Rick’s Nuggets

People are attracted to opportunities that have a fundamentally stronger foundation
Opportunity for growth is greater which fuels more impactful work

How do we build a core value recruiting machine into your company? Discovery

 What your values are

Leading with values
2 of 3 hires are referral hires


High utility value
Translate into the most powerful language

Roll out

Teach team the language
Immersed in the language


Implement in an ongoing basis


Measure for efficacy and optimize based on results

Plug into your recruiting efforts

Built a language for accountability in the organization
Leading with values when contacting people
Filter for decision making
The people on the boat are in alignment with the values
Dig deep in discovery for value alignment

Rick’s Nuggets

Design: build interview questions that unearth evidence of alignment with your core values
Implementation: Train & assign specific questions for each interviewer

Key Takeaways:

Ultimate decision making engine
Invisible scale - allow you to grow faster / better
Magnet for top talent that shouldn't even consider your company (marrying outside your envelope)

Guest Contact & Links:


Book: The Core Value Equation (Amazon)