In honor of Halloween, we are sharing interview horror stories. We all have heard campfire stories of a crazy interview or even a scary hire. Today we are going to help you identify crazy on both sides of the coin to help you avoid a tragic nightmare. 

How not to get hired or have someone accept your job offer

Today’s Quote:

"If God treats you well by teaching you a disastrous lesson, you never forget it."  - Ray Bradbury

Our guest today:  LeiLani Quiray, Founder & CEO of bethechangeHR

LeiLani has a fiery passion for both Human Resources and philanthropy. She believes people are a company’s most valuable asset and they should be cared for as such but no only on a level where the business truly cares but a quantifiable basis where we measure the effectiveness of the programs we put in place to foster a healthy work environment.  

be the change HR, Inc., a conscious company and social enterprise, provides fractional HR executive support, strategy and service to businesses in any facet of HR from pre-hire to post-term and everything else that happens in between.  

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."  - M. Ghandi 

Yup...she's doing just that! 


Scary Things people do in interviews
What scares People from your company
Avoiding your own horror stories

Warning signs of an upcoming bad interview

Showing up late, without a phone call
Typos in the resume- the devil is in the details
customer experience
fast paste environment
Heavy Perfume

Two Stories

Schwane Schwiley
Rejection Letter & his response (I have one of the emails!)

“My Truck was Stolen (and hit by a train) - A case of a negligent hire

Rick’s Input:

Company Fails

Lack of clarity & setting performance metrics
Constant re-scheduling 
Unstructured interview process
Arrogant interview process

Setting the environment to maximize a person’s performance in the interview
Group whiteboard test designed to make you crack
Erase work while answering questions

Two Story Conclusion

Schwane Schwiley
Swifter involvement to protect employees (myself)
Crazy is out there and you can’t control it

“My Truck was Stolen (and hit by a train) - A case of a negligent hire
Background checks are key
Overlooking criminal history = negligent hiring

 What do we need to pay attention to?

The frame of mind (desperation, urgency) 
Over aggressiveness 

Rick’s Nuggets

Diligence in the phone screen
Uncover the truth & the crazy
Focus on the person, not the skills

Skills-based hires breed horror stories
Pain, Desire & Impact
3 behavioral-based questions designed to get under the hood

Beware: taking credit, playing well with others & the blame game

Key Takeaways:

Watch out for warning signs in the very beginning
Sometimes sh!t just happens but you MUST take action quickly
Background checks are important!