The key to successful hiring is in uncovering evidence in a person's ability to align culturally and professionally with your unique company. … None of this evidence is on a resume! How do we gather evidence? First, not short cutting the interview process. Focusing on deep behavioral questions then confirming your conclusions with data through assessments.

Our guest today: Josh Millet, Founder & CEO of Criteria Corp

Josh started the Criteria Corp in 2006 with a vision to create a SaaS-based pre-employment testing service that would make the highest quality employee assessment tools accessible to companies of all sizes. 

Criteria has over 4,000 customers in more than 40 countries across the globe. Their pre-employment tests are an efficient and reliable means of gaining insights into the abilities and tendencies of potential employees.

Today we discuss

Why and how to use them effectively
A process to properly assess the person you want to hire

Why are assessments important?

With all the advances in HR tech in the last ten years that have transformed talent acquisition, we aren’t getting better at hiring when you look at results. 46% of all new hires are unsuccessful. The problem is we are relying on 70-year old tools, resumes and unstructured interviews, to gather info on applicants and make hiring decisions. These tools are letting us down. Why is it important?  Immense bottom line implications.

Problem with Resumes

Poor, incomplete, unreliable information that in the end does not predict much
85% of resumes contain falsehoods or inaccurate information
Inject unconscious bias into the hiring process
Boston & Chicago study

Unstructured interviews don’t work much better. Highly subjective, most interviewees make decision about applicants in first 5 minutes, based on highly subjective Criteria

Evaluating for good data - using objective data to reinforce your decision
When you think about how to gather data to make good decisions on candidates you should be focusing on:
Accurate, reliable info
Objective data not subjective impressions
Removing bias from decision-making
Being forward-looking data: how can this person learn, evolve as job does, rather than just past experience

Why are assessments the answer to resume

Focus on good reliable data
Things that are relevant to the job. Data that is not subjective and predicts job performance
Ie cognitive ability (best predictor or job performance, critical thinking, attention to detail learning ability, problem solving)
Behavioral or personality assessments - Interaction driven roles
EQ/EI- overlapping

Rick’s Input

Confirmation of data gathered minimizes bias

How to do it?

Moving past the resume
Use assessments early in the process (high applicant to hire ratio)
Right after the application
Resume submittal
Link to assessment in the job post

Most common after the application has been accepted
Passive searches (a bit later in the process) 
Assessment become a resume substitute

Process for Active 

Choose assessments that are job related
Measuring things important to the role
30-40 minutes of assessment
Tailor the testing for the role

Run at the Application stage or just after (automated) 
Use results to prioritize the people that are more likely to succeed
Assessment can generate further behavioral interview questions tailored to the individual based off their results

Process for Passive (recruits)

Smaller number of people 
Lower number of people interviewing
Use later in the process when the candidate is more engaged
Assessment after the phone screen
During the interview or just before

Rick’s Nuggets

Must gain a personal buy in BEFORE giving tests or assessments
People perform better when they want something

Key Takeaways:

Do things in your hiring process to get good data 
Make sure everything you are using has a purpose that measures outcomes related to it