We are neck-deep into a highly competitive job seeker’s market. What this means is that the feeding frenzy for talent has created a perfect storm for people to ask for a lot… and get it. The interview process has been plagued with bait and switch tactics, ridiculous compensation renegotiations (after the offer has been accepted), and outright ghosting once an offer is accepted.

The root of the issue is the transactional way your interview is being run. Evolving your phone screen into an in-depth “Discovery Call” is the first step to eliminate the huge time sink that results in a turned-down offer.

Today we are going to discuss the pivot that must take place in your hiring practice to align with what people really want. And it all starts with your first interaction.

Today we discuss:

The changes in candidate attitude and positioning 

How to eliminate the frustration & engage people at a more human level
Approach evolution

Here's what I am hearing from a lot of entrepreneurs
A lot of dishonesty 

People are being unreasonable when it comes to their demands

Challenge today?

People are lying on phone screens

Not showing up for interviews

people asking for ridiculous stuff


We still approach people with an “About us first” 

Educational approach with selling 
Needs to be done at the end of the phone screen

Practice of not negotiating 
Negotiating mitigated when people want it

Why is this important to the company?

Losing great talent 

It keeps you awake at night

Rick’s Nuggets

I believe that a lot of the challenges  are coming from two places:
Not taking the time to understand before selling

Need to get this filled / off my plate

How do we solve the problem?

Your phone screen (aka: discovery call) sets the tone for the relationship
If your transactional, expect that from the relationship

If your adding value, expect that from the relationship

Adding value:
Seek to understand a person’s WHY (Career Wounds)
What's broken in their career that you can fix

What does this person want? (besides a job)
Environment in which they will thrive

Can they make an impact?
Past performance is a key indicator of future performance

Do they align with your opportunity?
Where do they fit, where they do NOT fit

How you solve their career wounds

Let them connect the dots for you

Host Links:

LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/dEWWWEq
Company: https://lnkd.in/dG5aMUxY
Podcast: https://lnkd.in/gyG9YDuD
Authored: "Healing Career Wounds" https://amzn.to/3tGbtre
HireOS inquiry: [email protected]

Show Sponsor: Criteria Corp: https://lnkd.in/g8YbdsH