It’s no secret that I feel that employer branding is bullshit. Mostly because it is focused on perks and selling a “utopian” environment that is not what the company really is at all. 

Messaging is focused on being the greatest place to work. But we all know that if you are a small to mid sized business, you are at best, a “hot mess”. 

Clarity in who you REALLY are as an organization is the one thing that will propel your business forward and attract the strongest people to your company.

Our guest today: Eric Morley, Co-Founder & COO for Blue C Advertising

Eric has been helping companies across both B2B and B2C segments create brand strategies, campaign development, strategic design, content creation, and digital marketing strategies with a goal of outperforming the competition.

Eric and the Blue C team have been honored to work with some truly innovative and impactful brands that keep them constantly pushing and evolving their exclusive BrandPWR Platform. 

Today we discuss:

The truth about what branding is
The elements for a true branding initiative 

According to Wikipedia: Employer brand describes an employer's reputation as a place to work, and their employee value proposition

EVP-a set of associations and offerings provided by an organization in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organization

Challenge today?

Not having your messaging down
Retooling messaging for a covid friendly world
The world has changed in the last year
Equally important to communicate to your customers as well has your future employees

Why is this important to the company?

A players have seen it all before and can smell a skunk a mile away
Laser focused messaging creates massive clarity
Sales side, it affects revenue
Employees- will view you as the same as…. Just getting by

Rick’s Nuggets

Branding is not perks, puffing your chest (ego) or the product
Today’s employer branding focus on transactional components
Not about “what’s in it for me”

How do we solve the problem?

A 360 degree process- brand clarity

Pull everything apart

Verbal Messaging

-12 point process 

Brand pillars
Brand promise
Brand personality
Voice & tone
Visual Messaging- Recognition
Website, social media, external marketing, inbound marketing
Transcend from written to visual 

Rick’s Nuggets


Desire (what’s in it for you) 
Problems to be solved
Performance metrics


How you grow

Key Takeaways -Value:

Strategy first - roadmap to the promise land
Create laser focused messaging
Massive clarity in the minds of your employees, future employees







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