As an entrepreneur, we all share one thing in common. Every single one of us has made a bad hire.

Let’s define what a bad hire is. A bad hire is what happens when our need to fill something quickly overrides our logic. The interview process gets rushed, red flags get overlooked, and… Just like that, you have hired a person who is nothing more than a seat filler. We all hope that the person will work out but we know deep down we just made a bad hire.

Here’s the truth: You can still hire quickly when you slow down your interview process. Less steps, more quality time. Going deep is the only way to uncover the fit of the individual into the culture of the organization.

Today we discuss:

Why we continually make bad hires & when to break the cycle
How to go deeper while moving faster

Kison’s Hiring Story:

Hired the first 5 people who responded to his craigslist ad
Flannel shirt, BO guy who sent video rants. 
Went through a year and a half of harassment. 

Challenge today?

Hiring across functions
Organic vs outside leaders 
Be proactive about letting people go
Talent you need with goals your trying to achieve
1 of 8 hires was a bad hire in 2021
Development function & Marketing is really mature, low attrition

Why is this important to the company?

When to take a passive hiring approach
Knowing key roles, CFO, Demand Gen… get to know those people and courting 
Centralizing the hiring 

Rick’s Nuggets

My bad hire story
Friend no more - The relationship ending was on me!
Expectations Alignment document (write it down!)

Root of the issue: expectation alignment
Not sharing the same values
Process allows people to take you seriously
Interview: less questions, more depth

How do we solve the problem? 

Shifted from founder hiring to leaders
Stepping back and optimizing leads
One person that didn't work out came through a search firm

Being systematic
Pragmatic in having a comprehensive scope
Do more passive recruiting
Test project 24 hours

Closing people
Ended to end in 10 days 
Keeping things compressed
*** Write the offer letter on the phone with the person

Rick’s Nuggets

For critical hires:

Create an expectations document (Positioning & Accountability)
Why (pain)
Desire (do we both want the same thing?- positioning)
“Positioning is the single largest influence on the buying decision.” -Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm

Impact (growth plan)

Outline & communicate your process
People check out with time & poor communication
Provide active feedback


Time + communication + feedback = Hire
Less time, more depth
Empower each person to be a decision maker

Key Takeaways that the Audience can plug into their business today!  -Value:

Identify and build your company's core values
Utilize your referrals and be proactive with recruiting

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Host Links:

Authored: "Healing Career Wounds"
HireOS inquiry: [email protected]

Episode Sponsor: Criteria Corp:

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