We all have bought into the belief that following hiring best practices will ensure that we make the correct hiring decisions. Yet those best practices really do not produce consistent results. Why?

First, “best practices” are guidelines that trickle down from the big name-brand companies who all have the advantage of a much fatter wallet… And they are Transactional!

Second, what works for large companies does not work for startups. The truth is that you are needing to hire totally different people. Startup companies need “builders” to fuel company growth. And builders are not all about the $$money. They are about personal & professional growth. 

This requires that you approach these people in a way that is counterintuitive to “best practices” and centered upon answering the question, “what’s in it for me”.

For those of you who are new to the show or don’t know me yet:

Cut my teeth as an Executive Recruiter for Tech Startups in the Silicon Valley
Coached leaders, candidates & helped to build over 200 tech companies
Black belt in BJJ,  F1 aficionado & adrenaline junkie

Today we discuss:

Why it is critical to break away from hiring best practices
Process to create your Own “best practices” that crush your competitors

Challenge today?


There really is NO right way to hire
Hiring Fails are acceptable (50% success rate) 
Cost of doing business

Copy those who are already successful
Google today is much different than Google at your stage.
Evaluate for cultural fit… you evaluate for skills

People from name brand companies are great hires
They may be…. If they are builders
Most people that are willing to leave big companies are not high performers
High performers have “golden handcuffs” - best to rent

More candidates give me a greater chance of success

More candidates = time loss
1-3 people per position into the Interview process


Top of funnel
Reliance on job boards 


Interview training

How do we solve the problem? 

What to believe

Strong hires come from someone in your network
Positioning before Skills
Positioning is in a person’s DNA
Builder, Improver, Maintainer
Only builders will help you grow the company

Focus on the interview, not the funnel

The Interview process is what wins hires, not the number of candidates
Current best practices are:
10-15 minutes on a “screening call” 
Selling the company
Selling the job
Gather requirements
Schedule an interview

Importance of the Discovery call

Biggest time investment is to be made
Determines a person's positioning (builder, improver, maintainer)
Invaluable insight into a person’s pain, what they desire
Impact they have brought into their current organization (key indicator of a builder)

Make Interviewing your strongest talent

Solidify your process
from first contact to offer acceptance
Timing of each interview (45-1 hour)

Interviews start and end on time!
No meandering

Steps - Discovery call, Interview (video, onsite) -number of interviewers
Content- pre determine & assign interview questions
Questions must be designed to surface evidence of value alignment
Not about asking questions but having conversations

Broadcast your process
Make it known that the interview is challenging
Hire for Value Alignment first!
Make it known that you foster growth for “builders”

No Evidence, no vote

Interviewers need to be trained!
Recording conversations

Bias has no merit
Either a “Hell Yes” or a no
Decision must be supported by evidence

Rick's Links:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick-girard-07722/

Company: https://www.stridesearch.com/

Podcast: https://www.stridesearch.com/hire-power-radio

Authored:  Healing Career Wounds (Amazon)


HireOS inquiry: [email protected]


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