Don't underestimate the power of giving and receiving feedback in the interview process. Feedback helps your company improve your hiring process and it provides a positive “candidate experience” for the interviewee!

Today's Quote:

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard (one minute manager books)

Show highlights:

The Whys’ of interview feedback
Giving & receiving feedback
Provide the tools to create feedback channels into your Interview process

You must first have an interview process:

Feedback is process improvement
Candidate Experience
Time management &
Candidate Attraction

Feedback Challenges:

Don't have it - Go get it!
Have it but not sure how to deliver it
Companies not required to provide feedback
Legality of feedback - fear of litigation
Fear of Discrimination lawsuit

Not everyone can accept feedback - low EQ
CASE STUDY: 70% of  companies do not provide unselected job applicants with any feedback
Make feedback a constant throughout the process- give & receive
Is there any reason why you would not hire me
Is there any reason why you would not accept an offer with our company

*Mystery creates distrust

What you can and cannot give as feedback:

Problem solving abilities
Interview Preparation
Alignment with Cultural/Values
Evidence based feedback
Discriminatory in nature
Your too Old
Never give a woman feedback that she is not assertive enough
Body odor

Aaron’s process for giving & receiving feedback:

Build in feedback time (10 minutes after the interview has ended)
Feedback based on competency - bullet points, not short stories

Rick’s process for giving & receiving feedback:

Feedback starts at the first contact  (gauge ability to give/receive feedback)
discuss concerns & fit between career & company goals

Ask Questions:
What are your thoughts?
How do you feel about that?
Why is that important?

Assign a facilitator of Feedback
Ie: recruiter or admin

Provide something constructive
Give & Get feedback in Real Time -interview wrap up

How to professionally release a person from the process:

Call Them!
A 5-10 minute phone call to ensure a positive image of your company.
Be specific. Facts without any value judgment.
Help people to learn. Focus on improvement & help them to find the right fit
Be empathetic.

The candidate experience: Integrity & Transparency in the hiring process creates less likelihood of a lawsuit, especially when you leave the door open.

Erin Wilson is the Co-Founder & Talent Engineer of Hirepool, Inc. He has personally interviewed more than 10,000 job seekers. Erin has helped build a company that exited for $640M, and just released a consumer Interview preparation software product ( being used by job seekers around the world.