The offer has been signed. The candidate is committed. Now what?

Ever had a person sign your offer then not start? Most likely you failed to keep them engaged in active participation while awaiting their start date. Or maybe, you had a person start, and they didn't come back to work the next day, it’s not their fault; it’s yours.

This week, Elizabeth Pate-Morton joined us on Hire Power Radio Show to discuss the crucial steps your company should take after an offer is signed to keep employees engaged and invested during the onboarding process, and how doing so contributes to organizational effectiveness.

Elizabeth Pate-Morton has extensive experience creating a solid Human Resource foundation for companies looking to grow rapidly into their next phase. With 30 years of progressive Human Resource Management experience, 20 in Silicon Valley and International tech companies, Elizabeth brings a unique and refreshing style of HR to the table. With the strong belief in “HR as a Service,” she has been very successful creating amazing cultures that encourage employees to be creative, work on hard problems together and have fun doing it. She has been a part of eight Mergers and Acquisitions and an IPO. She has most recently been a key member of the HR leadership teams at Apigee (now Google), Lockheed Martin, and Savi Technology. Elizabeth is currently the Human Resource Leader at Snowflake Computing.

To learn more about Elizabeth Pate-Morton and her work with Snowflake Computing, visit