The vast majority of companies still do not have any policy in place to support work from home. As the majority of companies have switched to remote work and plan to implement this new system going forward - companies need to understand how to make an effective switch that will align with their company goals and business development strategy. 

Our guest today: David DeFrancis, CEO of IT Proactive

David started his first computer consulting business in 1998 and launched IT Proactive in 2015. He noticed a need for security and process in small to medium sized businesses was completely under-served.  IT Proactive is an outsourced IT Support firm that you can trust. We offer fully managed IT solutions that are simple, affordable and all-inclusive.

Today we are going to discuss

On boarding and Off boarding Employees
Remote work policies
BYOD policies

What are today’s challenges when successfully onboarding and offboarding terminations?

No on boarding or off boarding checklist (Directory Service Accounts, email, application permissions, devices)
1 off policies
Personal devices accessing the corporate network, not having a separate vLAN (Internet Only) for employees (What is acceptable in the organization)

What policies need to be in place

Acceptable use for company equipment
BYOD - where most companies fail
Remote Access Policy- work from home
Personal Device v. Corporate Device
Its all about data integrity and security
Equipment reimbursement
Internet access/ security (remote location)
Firewall with Security Services
BYOD- allow employees to access data
Failure point
- Written policy on what they can & cannot access
- MDM- mobile device management software 

When people leave they can put their phone on airplane mode to access shared company files (locally synced data)

Rick’s Input

On boarding is a continuation of your interview process. This determines your ability to retain your strongest people

How do we create an effective internal policy around remote access?

Questions need to be asked first
Can company data be accessed on personal devices?
Can data be accessed remotely via web browser. (Email, Sharepoint etc)
Protocol in place for a security breach
If a breach is detected, who to contact, plan to notify customers / vendors

Are remote computers encrypted
Are computers connected to a directory service?
Mobile device management policy in place?
Security protocol in place to wipe data (MDM)

Now Create Acceptable use policy for Company Devices (template)

Taylor to specific company (Questions to ask)
Outline what applications are acceptable to use on device
Can the employee access personal email, social, banking, etc… for company owned device
Websites that are acceptable to access on a work device (Personal Banking, Social Media etc)

Create a mobile device management policy

Dependent upon server location
Dependent upon BYOD or company owned devices
On prem, cloud, hybrid

What needs to happen when a person starts?

On boarding process 
Recommend providing company owned devices first!

On boarding Checklist:
Typically IT Managed
Directory Services Account
Email Account / O365 / Sharepoint
LOB Applications 
Permissions for LOB and File Share(s) / Sharepoint
VPN in applicable
Mobile Device (Email, Sharepoint, Supervised v. Managed Mode MDM)
Company Policies, delivered and signed by employee

Off boarding
1. Typically IT Managed
Remove Access to all devices during exit interview
Force Sign Out of any BYOD devices.
Directory Services, LOB applications, File Shares etc
Archive devices

2. Do not tamper with user date until its archived
Point in time archive- home folder, desktop image, email

Off boarding checklist for HR & IT

Signed document that all company owned devices are returned

Key Takeaways:

Start Policies (even if it has 2-3 items in it)
Acceptable Use Policy
Remote Access Policy
BYOD Policy

Create and On boarding and Off boarding Checklist
Be in sync with HR and the members of your team when exiting an employee

Guest Contact: [email protected]