"Post and Pray" yields mediocre results and yet It is the go-to method for most companies, especially startups. Look, dating apps have evolved so let's take a page from them and figure out creative ways to attract talent. After all, your companies success or failure hinges on it!

Today’s Quote:

"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle

Show Guest:

Chris Russell is the Managing Director of RecTech Media. He is a digital recruiting expert. He began his career as a job board owner where he first learned the craft of attracting talent online. He's also a former corporate recruiter with real-world experience in the recruitment process and technology implementation.

As as a recruiting technology/marketing consultant he advises both employers and vendors on how to attract candidates or clients. He frequently blogs on the news site, RecruitingHeadlines.com, podcasts a weekly show called “RecTech” and conducts live video training on recruitment marketing tools and tactics at RecTechLive.com.

Episode highlights:

Why you should look at approaching job postings differently
The best ways to market your opportunities
Tools available to help you automate the process

Let’s talk about the approach almost all companies take

Write “job descriptions” (wish lists)
Do Not copy old ones!
Post on job boards
Farm the Job boards
Passively work employee referrals

The Job Description Format

-short 300 words or less - According to Linkedin?
Employer value proposition
Q&A job descriptions
Harry joiner - long form job

Rick’s Format:

Build your job descriptions around uncovering a Career Wound
Build in Performance Metrics! - Let people know how they will be evaluated in their first 90 days

Tools to Use

Ripl- social media video slideshows
Buffer, deliverance, smarterqueue
Legend.im- turns text into animation gif

Where & How to Post

Indeed- biggest board out there. - active candidate pool
Facebook job board-blue-collar, hear
Google for jobs - Take advantage of all the free avenues
Take an Omnichannel approach- you need to be on all the channels. Be where your candidates are and continuously add content
Automate the flow of content out.
Be resourceful - text or email creative pictures (you next to a whiteboard with the person’s name written on it)
**Pushing out to facebook, twitter & LinkedIn. Video gets the most engagement and exposure
Times to post 4-6 pm at night FB- 3 pm on Wednesday

Key Take-Aways

Go Short or Go Long!
Re-format your job descriptions to Attract people! Define the % of time spent on tasks as well as performance metrics

Market your jobs by taking an omnichannel approach
Get Creative & use Tools to automate getting out your message