Did you know that according to LinkedIn “83% of talent say a negative interview experience can change their mind about a role or company they once liked, while 87% of talent say a positive interview experience can change their mind about a role or company they once doubted.”  Candidate Experience Matters!

Today's Quote:

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” - Albert Einstein

Show highlights:

The impact of candidate experience on your ability to hire
Our solution to create a positive candidate experience

What is candidate experience? Why is it important:

Job descriptions
Application process
Interview Experience
Feedback/Closing the Loop
Nearly 60% of Job Seekers Have Had a Poor Candidate Experience & 72% Talk About It (GlassDoor)

The VALUE of AI:

AI- Recruitment Automation

Sourcing            58%
Screening          56%
Nurturing            55%
Scheduling         42%
Engagement       24%
Interviewing        6%

AI will eliminate the transactional pieces of recruiting but it won't solve the most critical portions….Engagement, Interviewing

Let’s lay out our structure for creating an impressive candidate experience:


Marketing/Messaging aligned with company values
Job Descriptions with clear performance metrics
Application process…. RESPOND!


Set Expectations
Structure (Organized, Timed, real time feedback)
Pre-determined questions
Give & Receive Feedback


Professionally release each person from the process

Do Not Ghost
Listen to your bad glassdoor reviews

Brenan German is Founder and President at Bright Talent Resources, Inc., Which is a boutique Human Resources Advisory, Project Management, Training, and Recruiting Services firm..

Brenan’s particular expertise involves the alignment of talent management strategies to business goals, and the implementation of systems and processes to reach measurable objectives, demonstrating clearly the bottom line impact expected of strategic Human Resources programs.