“But I have managed to hire two rockstars without having any formalized hiring structure” Said my friend Anthony.  To which I quickly replied back “I’d rather be lucky than good”!

It is great to have a few “superstars” in your organization but it is outstanding to have an organization built entirely of well positioned, highly productive people, A-players.

Having a system for hiring is the only way to make the leap from average to extraordinary.

Our guest today: Robert Glazer, Founder & CEO of Acceleration Partners.

A global partner marketing agency, and the co-founder and Chairman of BrandCycle. A serial entrepreneur, he has a passion for helping individuals and organizations build their capacity to Elevate.

Robert was twice named to Glassdoor’s list of Top Small & Medium Companies CEO's (#2) and was selected as a Top 22 Conscious Business Leaders of 2019 by Conscious Company.

He speaks to companies and organizations around the world on topics related to business growth, culture, capacity-building and performance.

Today we discuss:

Why systems, especially in hiring, to win!

Robert’s process for hiring

Why are business leaders reluctant to follow a hiring system? 

Moving from a superstar hiring culture to a systematic process

Getting everyone to do work up front

Agreeing on what success looks like in the role

Clarity in the scorecard

Everyone to follow the process

Being thorough to meet objectives

Why is this important to the company?

Process pushes the responsibility of building great teams to the teams

Scalable in removing leadership from the process quickly

Scientific process and repeatable 

Rick’s Nuggets

Process & systems win

“I’m too busy and don't have time to sit down and develop a process” - You

Hiring process needs to be driven by leadership

Hiring the strongest people, needs to be your strongest talent

How do we solve the problem? 

Collect process from other firms
Layout - read Who

Developing the playbook as a team
Eliminating the bias & urgency

Clear on qualities & outcomes 

Making everything behavioral based 

Training the playbook 
Train & certify on the process

No interviewing unless you are and expert on the process itself

Evaluate interviews 

Following the process
Look at the data and scorecards, not gut 

Improving the playbook based on mistakes
Debriefed on mid hires and find the holes in the system 

Get uncomfortable and figure it out now

Rick’s Nuggets

Read Healing Career Wounds (Available May 20 - Preorder on Amazon)

HireOS interview process -

Role playing - best training!

Scorecard = performance metrics - measurable / timeline

Key Takeaways -Value:

    Your current hiring process is probably no better than 50/50

  • Based on individuals not a repeatable process 
  • A good process also really helps with remote hiring 
  • This is the #1 way to improve your culture 




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