Liz’s recent filming for a news segment sparked a lot of discussions in this week’s episode! As you know, Hilliard Studio Method is expanding into multiple cities this year, but there’s also a lot of internal expansion happening as well. In this episode, Liz and Lee share their thoughts on how being more authentic gets easier with age, who they look up to as role models, and their favorite new “sex show” on HBO Max… you’re gonna have to listen to get the full story on that one.

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Some key takeaways from this episode include:

A huge part of expansion is letting go of the expectations and thoughts others have about you. It can be difficult to tune out these expectations, but it does get easier with age! Another way to flex that muscle is to stop putting others in a box, too. You might have a perception or expectation of certain people that’s keeping them from being their most authentic selves. Wanna get smokin’ hot and feel better, too? Join our 23 pushups a day in 2023 challenge! This is such a good way to expand your strength and confidence this year, no matter where your fitness starting point is.

Hilliard Studio Method takes working out to the next level to produce results that are nothing short of a total mind-body transformation. If you’re ready to get in incredible shape, you can work out with us in-person at our Charlotte studio, join classes from home via Zoom, or sign up for our on-demand streaming service!

HSM In-Person Classes HSM At Home (Via Zoom) HSM Streaming

Be Powerful with Liz & Lee is focused on helping you find your inner power and for us to share our thoughts on society, culture, and current events. As the team behind Hilliard Studio Method in Charlotte, North Carolina, we love all things wellness and will also share info on how to live your healthiest life mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Podcast contact info:

Liz’s Instagram  Lee’s Instagram Hilliard Studio Method HSM Facebook Liz & Lee’s YouTube