In this Interview we get to learn about the power of changing your thoughts!

Your brain perceives what it thinks is important.

Can you train your brain to change its thought habits? YES!

But how?

Thankfully we have experts like Denise Walsh, who I had the pleasure of interviewing and learning from. During the interview we discuss the importance of intention behind our thoughts and how to put them into action and change our habitual thought patterns often based in limiting beliefs, lack of self-worth, and fear.
We discuss the intricacy of the mind and understanding why the more we think of something the more real and in our face or at the forefront of our thoughts it becomes.

For example, when we are looking at buying a new car, soon we begin to see that car everywhere.

Today you will gain insight into your own thought patterns and how to change those to better view the world AND start taking action on your goals TODAY!

Denise Walsh, Transformational Trainer

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