Do your emotions easily overwhelm you — maybe even for days — and sometimes you even feel others’ emotions as if they’re your own?

REGISTER FOR THE EMPATH SUMMIT 2021: for Empaths, HSP-Highly Sensitive Persons, and Intuitives here.

Tree's online event is no longer available, but you can see all current events on our Empath & HSP Directory page here

Are you often drained energetically, with your strong feelings a seeming deterrent to living your life freely, fully, and joyfully?

Empaths feel deeply and strongly — and you know if you’re one of these highly sensitive souls …

Yet, experiencing life as a constant struggle needn’t be your fate… In fact, you can even learn to transmute your overpowering and uncomfortable feelings into potent energies to be used for “good.”

So, if you have been wondering how to deal with being an empath (or maybe you've never even heard of the term, but the questions we ask sound a lot like you!?!) then today's podcast and interview with Tree Franklyn may be just what the empathic doctor may have ordered!?!

Today Tree is going to introduce you to the 4 stages of spiritual awakening for empaths. And yes there are different stages of spiritual awakening as an empath that Tree touches lightly upon in our interview today.

Tree also shares her story as a teenager in despair and her diagnosis of depression and bipolar issues. She was not willing to accept this and prescription drugs to help her along because she had a deeper knowing and understanding that her way of being was being denied, repressed and suppressed to "fit into" this world.

So her journey into her own spiritual awakening as an empath began, which led her to the research of  Dr. Elaine N. Aron and her National Bestselling Book: The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You.

Though this was her introduction to the world of the existence of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) she knew there was more to it than just the science and research that Dr. Aron shed light on.

This podcast was created to share Tree and her upcoming Shift Network Event and mini empath workshop: Finding Freedom as an Empath with Tree Franklyn

The LIVE empath workshop and empath training is Saturday, September 14th, 2019 at 10 am Pacific time. You can register here for that:

If you can't make the LIVE empath workshop and empath training

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

Empaths, HSP & Intuitives Summit 2021
Discover the ultimate toolkit for the "Empowered Empath"
5-Day FREE Event November 15-19

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