Do you consider your mind a great gift—or a dangerous place? 

Maybe a little of both? 

How would you like to explore how to stop being victimized by your mind, and instead use it as intended?

Today I am introducing you to this month’s Featured and powerful Tool for personal transformation by NYTimes bestselling author of The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment, Michael A. Singer

This free tool for transformation with Michael is a  free three-part mini-course  and video series exploring how to stop being victimized by your mind and instead use it as intended. Produced by SoundsTRue

You can sign up for this FREE 3-part mini course with Michael Singer at any time at

Today, I’m going to discuss the power of the mind and the question Michael poses at the beginning which is… do you consider your mind a great gift or a dangerous place?

I want to put the power of the mind into context for you…how powerful is it? 

(it can be measured, you know! And it has been through a lifetime of research into consciousness by Dr. David R. Hawkins, bestselling author of Power vs Force, The MOC Explained. And numerous other books on consciousness and advanced spiritual teachings )

I also want to put the notion that what you hold in mind tends to manifest…into context as well.

Also…Why Michael would consider the mind a dangerous place and a great gift? 

I watched his videos, and I have a little bit more to add on this topic

Now I don’t want to go into what he teaches you in his free mini course, but I did want to add my own experience with quieting the mind and understanding the truth and power of the mind….

I want you to consider for yourself why the mind is a great gift and why it would be a dangerous place.

Let’s see how intuitive you are for yourself!

But before I get deeper into this topic, I want to tell you more about Michael Singer and his books. 

I also want to put into context why his teachings are so powerful and hold

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

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