Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your True Presence with Mary Sise (August – September 2022)

Live Th Sept 8 available thru 09/27

Which you can register for at any time during this podcast at TMBSN.com/EFT

 How would you like to Experience a deep clearing of limiting emotions and align with your true presence…I can attest that this is wholly possible with this easy self- healing self-care  technique I am sharing with you

 Today I want to introduce you to tapping, also known as EFT, the emotional freedom technique EFT tapping is a powerful, proven technique to quickly transform emotions, neutralize the charge around a challenging relationship and retrain your brain

 It’s a superpower for healing and on-the-fly self-care…which I will put into context as we move along in today’s podcast. 

I also want to introduce you to Mary Sise, a New York-licensed social worker with over 35 years of clinical experience. And for the past 20 years, has pioneered energetic methodologies and techniques while also advocating for an expanded clinical understanding of the integral interrelationship of the mind, body, and spirit in the healing paradigm.

 She is presenting a current online event with TSN called 

Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your True Presence with Mary Sise (August – September 2022)

Live Th Sept 8 available thru 09/27

Which you can register for at any time during this podcast at TMBSN.com/EFT

 And before I dive into telling you more about Mary Sise, I want to chat a little about the power of EFT tapping and put it into context…

Join 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators. August 21st -25th. RSVP here for the Illuminated Herbalism Summit — at no charge.

Take the 21 Day Tapping Challenge
Make a significant shift on any issue and get immediate relief from anxiety, fears & more

Clear Emotional Blocks to Intuition
Release the Noise that Clouds Your Intuition with World-Renowned Intuitive Healer Wendy DeRosa

Discover the Emotion Code®
Witness a powerful 1-on-1 demonstration of how the Emotion Code catalyzes healing

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