This week Patrick and an esteemed panel of historians, writers, archaeologists and archivists explored the history of Kilkenny live from The Set Theatre at the Langton House Hotel in Kilkenny city. Joining Patrick on the panel were Dr Elva Johnson, School of History, University College Dublin, John Kirwan, historian and consultant archivist and the author of 'The Chief Butlers of Ireland and the House of Ormond: An Illustrated Genealogical Guide', Dr David Edwards, senior lecturer in history at University College Cork and the author of 'The Ormond Lordship in County Kilkenny, 1515 -1642', Eoin Swinthe Walsh, author of 'Kilkenny: In Times of Revolution, 1900-1923', Amanda Pitcairn, local historian and tour guide and the Director of 'Touch The Past Ireland' and Paul Cuddihy, historian, teacher and the former Mayor of Kilkenny. Local artist and musician Ann-Karoline Distel played the fiddle.