Welcome to Higher Mind, a podcast featuring Conscious Content. Listen to a variety of colorful characters who give insight into their world. Tune into the Frequency of Inspiration. ATTUNE & ALIGN to a Higher Mind.

My name is Stephanie Edin, I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I studied communications and have been engaged in the Art of expression in some way shape or form, for as long as I can remember. I do photography, write, interview, coach, facilitate and organize, to beautify anything I encounter and convey ideas that awaken and inspire people.

In the fall of 2019, I arrived in New York for the first time in my life. After getting off the plane the number one stop that a vegan makes was of course: Whole Foods. It was right there in Harlem, that I ran into a group of children around the age of 10-12 years old. They asked me survey questions about the United States government. I had no idea how to answer them. The person that was with me that day however, could. Rome, my newfound friend from Brooklyn who synchro-mystically would soon evolve into being my sound engineer and my husband. He was in another aisle, but when he tuned into the conversation, he smiled and said: “You attracted this!” It was quite impressive and humbling to meet these intelligent young beings. The sparkle in their eyes, conversing so eloquently with us and full of wit. I was elated and everything felt kind of surreal. We ended up having a really interesting talk where the kids informed us they are homeschooled individuals. At a certain point, their guide joined us. Dr Michael Rhea revealed himself as their teacher. He proceeded to tell us they were on a school assignment and I was so fascinated by the entire manifestation, that I realized this man was going to be the first guest on my debut podcast. 

It was no coincidence that the energy surrounding me, my friend and the kids were attracting each other. It was magnetic. Synchronicity is the language of the Universe, and it communicates to all of us through seemingly random occurrences. I’ve had a great interest in homeschooling in general because of the changes in society. The famous presentations of the recently deceased Sir Ken Robinson, also sparked my mind many years ago. He was a powerful advocate for re-imagining the schooling system, in particular the Arts. He made me cognizant of the deeply rooted issues. However, the power in his work was that he provided solutions and hope.

Fast forward to meeting Dr Rhea, I had no idea he taught the humanities, led the debate team, was in the process of writing a book, was a life coach and a psychotherapist. It was pretty obvious what I had to accomplish! Surrounded by fresh fruit and blossoming spirits, I invited Dr Rhea to do an interview. He agreed and we met up some time later at his practice. The conversation unfolded very poetically and sincere. All of this transpired without knowing that the majority of parents around the world would soon be confronted with homeschooling because of the p(l)andemic. I am proud to present the first podcast, that hopefully sheds new light on the challenging times that parents and teachers are facing. Dr Rhea speaks on why it’s important to honor children as individuals and empower them to work together. Episode #1 touches on spirituality but really hones in on his way of teaching. He also casually mentions his focus point in existence. Curious to know what that could be? Tune into a Higher Mind.

For more information on Dr Michael Rhea please click here.

Episode #2 is with Anna Dao on Baha'i, Faith vs Religion and Ge

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