ACTA’s president Michael Poliakoff interviews John Agresto, author of The Death of Learning, published last year by Encounter Press. Agresto is a graduate of Boston College and holds a PhD in Government from Cornell University.  Before becoming President of St. John’s College in 1989, he taught at the University of Toronto, Kenyon College, Duke University, Wabash College and the New School University. He also served as acting chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities in the 1980’s and went to Iraq in 2003 as senior advisor for higher education for the new Iraqi Government.  Between 2006 and 2010 he served, variously, as trustee, president, chancellor, provost and dean at the American University of Iraq in the Kurdish region.  After returning from Iraq, Agresto was appointed member and chair of the New Mexico Advisory Committee on Civil Rights (2010-2018) followed by his appointment as Probate Court Judge in Santa Fe, NM. He currently serves on the board of the Jack Miller Center.