The Covid-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting working women. A recent Buzzfeed article highlights the stress of the working women and it’s impact on her partner/spouse. It’s not good!
Women are now not only trying to work but cook, clean and teach their kids.
We are home 24/7, often under the same roof as our families.
It makes focusing impossible and creates a ton of tension.
We are seeing a “Pink Recession”:
Women are trying to do it all, can’t and quitting their jobs. This can’t happen!
We’ve come too far to backslide. What do we do?
Today I have some simple action items and tips for you to use in your daily lives!

Stop being a martyr—ask for help. You need to have a serious conversation with your partner, kids and boss. You need to discuss your “new normal” and how they can help you.

Pick ONE THING to let go of—one that you hate. Cooking? Laundry? Teaching? Find a way to delegate or automate it. Cooking? Get a rotisserie chicken, some pasta and some frozen pizzas. Dinner for a week. Have the kids/partners make their own lunches and help with dinner. Laundry? Everyone does their own. Or send it out to your local dry cleaners. Teaching? Delegate it or hire a tutor or college student to assist.

Commit to a 20-minute treat: you have to find 20 minutes for yourself every day. What do you love to do? What can you fit in? Online shopping? Netflix? Bad TV?Walking? Doing your nails?

It doesn’t have to be this hard. I promise. As working women, we create a lot of our own obstacles. Let go of perfection. Your kids will survive if they eat Pop Tarts a few times a week for breakfast. We live in a world of modern conveniences. Take advantage of them and improve your life!!!

The Covid-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting working women. A recent Buzzfeed article highlights the stress of the working women and it’s impact on her partner/spouse. It’s not good!

Women are now not only trying to work but cook, clean and teach their kids.

We are home 24/7, often under the same roof as our families.

It makes focusing impossible and creates a ton of tension.

We are seeing a “Pink Recession”:

Women are trying to do it all, can’t and quitting their jobs. This can’t happen!

We’ve come too far to backslide. What do we do?

Today I have some simple action items and tips for you to use in your daily lives!

Stop being a martyr—ask for help. You need to have a serious conversation with your partner, kids and boss. You need to discuss your “new normal” and how they can help you.
Pick ONE THING to let go of—one that you hate. Cooking? Laundry? Teaching? Find a way to delegate or automate it. Cooking? Get a rotisserie chicken, some pasta and some frozen pizzas. Dinner for a week. Have the kids/partners make their own lunches and help with dinner. Laundry? Everyone does their own. Or send it out to your local dry cleaners. Teaching? Delegate it or hire a tutor or college student to assist.
Commit to a 20-minute treat: you have to find 20 minutes for yourself every day. What do you love to do? What can you fit in? Online shopping? Netflix? Bad TV?Walking? Doing your nails?

It doesn’t have to be this hard. I promise. As working women, we create a lot of our own obstacles. Let go of perfection. Your kids will survive if they eat Pop Tarts a few times a week for breakfast. We live in a world of modern conveniences. Take advantage of them and improve your life!!!