Working women: how many things are you expected to do on a daily basis? Work, raise kids, make dinner, walk 10,000 steps, prepare plant-based meals and oh…don’t forget to plan interesting date nights with your partner and amazing vacations! 

ENOUGH! It’s impossible to do it all, yet we’re asked to each day. 

Listen in to hear how one High Wire Woman, Rosanna Berardi, stays on the high wire while managing a busy law firm, a consulting business, teaching at a law school, parenting her 14-year-old son, maintaining a happy and healthy marriage and visiting Disney four to five times a year. Let Rosanna show you how to make sense of your life and stay on that high wire!

Working women: how many things are you expected to do on a daily basis? Work, raise kids, make dinner, walk 10,000 steps, prepare plant-based meals and oh…don’t forget to plan interesting date nights with your partner and amazing vacations! 

ENOUGH! It’s impossible to do it all, yet we’re asked to each day. 

Listen in to hear how one High Wire Woman, Rosanna Berardi, stays on the high wire while managing a busy law firm, a consulting business, teaching at a law school, parenting her 14-year-old son, maintaining a happy and healthy marriage and visiting Disney four to five times a year. Let Rosanna show you how to make sense of your life and stay on that high wire!