In the age of social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison. We see our colleagues posting about their love for nursing, their energy, and their positive experiences, and we can't help but wonder, "What's wrong with me?”

In this episode, we’ll address the issue of comparison in nursing careers. With the prevalence of energetic and positive nurses online, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and questioning one's nursing career. However, it is okay to not feel the same level of happiness and fulfillment as others in the profession and we should accept our reality and stop comparing ourselves to others. By creating space for self-reflection and engaging in activities that bring joy, nurses can begin to move towards a more fulfilling nursing career.

Key takeaways:

0:00:17 Feeling disconnected and comparing oneself to others

0:01:19 It's okay to not feel the same way about nursing

0:02:37 Accepting that everyone's reality is different

0:04:16 Nursing is not always rainbows and sunshine

0:05:44 Nervous system dysregulation and burnout

0:06:14 Stop comparing and acknowledge where you're at

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