I’m often asked about how or where I find my mentors/coaches and in this episode I get to share one that also happens to be a friend of mine for more than 25 years - Jeb Burns. He’s a certified Human Potential Coach, Athletic Trainer, and Strength and Conditioning Specialist with a Master’s in Kinesiology and Athletic Training. Simply put, when it comes to high performance - he knows his stuff and has taught me a lot.

In this conversation we take a slightly different path to focus on self care and “filling your cup” to balance your high performance goals. If you struggle with mental energy, physical energy, focus or consistency with your self-care, this one’s for you. We talk through tactical and practical steps to start your day, recalibrate when things throw you off and maximize your energy so you can feel good and most importantly, feel joy.  Hope you enjoy it too!

Some of what we cover during the interview includes: 

Mental energy traps (and how to avoid them)Finding focus when working from homeUnderstanding the impact of emotional energyThe Golden Hour - designing a morning routine that works for youThe role of rest and recovery in your training and routinesThe art of self-forgiveness for high performers Short term goals vs. long term lifestyle: the journey to feeling your bestGetting clarity and getting started from wherever you are

Jeb is a life and health coach, husband, father of two, outdoor enthusiast, a bit of a health fanatic and thoroughly enjoys helping others create positive change within their own life. Some of his professional experience and credentials include: 

Certified Human Potential Coach (Bulletproof Training Institute)Certified Athletic Trainer: Previously worked with SJSU Athletics, the Tennessee Titans, Oakland Raiders, and Co-Directed a Physical Therapy clinic.Certified Strength and Conditioning SpecialistMaster’s degree in Kinesiology and Athletic Training.I have over 20 years’ experience working with Professional, Collegiate and High School athletes, the general public, and medical professionals within the fields of Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy.

