In this episode we talk about manipulation, relationships, monogamy, breakups, differences between men and women and everything that involves dating, the red pill movement, feminism etc.

Other episodes with Grand Cam

How to BREAK UP when a relationship is over | Grand Cam & Axel Axe

How to TALK to WOMEN & improve your communication skills | Grand Cam & Axel Arzola More about Grand Cam:

We are living in a very interesting time in the world of dating and relationships. The advancement of social media and dating apps have forever shifted the way men need to represent themselves as high value. Additionally, women have way more options to choose from which makes it harder for the average man to even find compatible women to date, let alone even marry! The way to beat the system is to understand how to beat the system. If you do not have a high value social media presence along with supreme confidence to speak to women, you are going to fail in dating and relationships. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and anxious that you will never find true love. Going forward, the best thing one can do is to learn why they are failing in love and begin learning how to fall in love with the right woman. Women need men just like men need women.

At The Grand Male, we will help you identify whichever problems are holding you back and create solutions for you to succeed. Imagine what your life would look like if you had strong confidence and a sexy and attractive woman holding your hand. This is what being a Grand Male is all about: creating a powerful connection with a woman who desires you as you desire her. Every man has the potential to become an alpha male and attract the love they deserve. My goal is to provide the tools and guidance needed to make that happen. Join us and discover the alpha within. Other videos about Red Pill: What Is Red pill and blue pill movement? The red pill and blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill. The terms originate from the 1999 film The Matrix. The concept of red and blue pills has since been widely used as a political metaphor, especially among libertarians and conservatives in the United States, where "taking the red pill" or being "red-pilled" means becoming aware of the political biases inherent in society, including in the mainstream media, and becoming an independent thinker; while "taking the blue pill" or being "blue-pilled" means unquestioningly accepting these supposed biases. STOP Being Manipulated | Emotional Tactics for Healthy Relationships || Grand Cam & Axel Axe

The concept is also used among leftists to refer to members of the alt-right and others who subscribe to extremist right wing beliefs or conspiracy theories. The metaphor has been popularized by neo-reactionary blogger Curtis Yarvin. He first used it in a 2007 blog post (writing under the pseudonym Mencius Moldbug) titled "The Case Against Democracy: Ten Red Pills", in which he argues that trying to convince a Westerner that democracy is bad is like trying to convince "a Catholic in 16th-century Spain... to stop believing in Catholicism", but then offers ten "red pill" arguments (along with their "blue pill" counterparts) to make the case against democracy. Follow Cam FOLLOW AXEL AXE


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