Having found himself actively involved in exercise and fitness from an early age, Austin, Texas-based health and wellness entrepreneur Mark Alexander is one of the High Intensity Training world's heavy hitters: he is the Founder and President of Efficient Exercise; a co-founder, investor, and executive board member of the well-regarded Paleo f(x); and he is the CEO of Advanced Resistance Exercise (ARX), which is pushing the boundaries of HIT and how people train by using innovative resistance training technology that is computer-controlled, adaptive, and data-driven, allowing a measure of stimulus and control that previously was not available as it is.


Contact Mark Alexander:

ARXfit.com ARX on Facebook ARX on Twitter ARX on YouTube Efficient Exercise Mark Alexander on Linkedin


In this episode, we cover:

Mark's views on HIT and how it has changed over time Marks thoughts on the future of large gyms, fitness facilities, and high intensity training A deep dive into ARX – how it works and how it's different from everything else out there NASA's interest in ARX and resistance training in microgravity and outer space … and much more!


This episode is brought to you by ARXFit.com, ARX are the most innovative, efficient and effective all-in-one exercise machines I have ever seen. I was really impressed with my ARX workout. The intensity and adaptive resistance were unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I love how the machine enables you to increase the negative load to fatigue target muscles more quickly and I love how the workouts are effortlessly quantified. The software tracks maximum force output, rate of work, total amount of work done and more in front of you on-screen, allowing you to compete with your pervious performance, to give you and your clients real-time motivation. As well as being utilised by many HIT trainers to deliver highly effective and efficient workouts to their clients, ARX comes highly recommended by world-class trainers and brands including Bulletproof, Tony Robbins, and Ben Greenfield Fitness. To find out more about ARX and get $1,000 OFF software licensing fees, please go to ARXfit.com and mention Corporate Warrior in the how did you hear about us field.


This episode is brought to you by Bill DeSimone. Bill has appeared on the podcast twice and is one of my favourite personal trainers. Bill runs Optimal Exercise, a personal training studio based in central NJ, USA.

Bill is incredibly knowledgeable about exercise, strength training, and in particular biomechanics and rehabilitation, and is the go-to guy for a lot of top HIT trainers like Dr Doug McGuff.

Bill is the author of Congruent exercise: How To Make Weight Training Easier On Your Joints. I loved this book and finished it in a few days. I learnt how to select safe and effective exercises and gained a better understanding of how to construct productive workouts. It gave me much more insight into exactly how the joints and muscle operate specific exercises, and does so in a very elegant manner.

To pick up your copy of Congruent Exercise, head on over to Amazon.com, where you can buy a copy in print or on Kindle. The Kindle version contains links to various videos where Bill demonstrates the exercises, which being a visual learner, I found this particularly helpful.

Watch out for Bill’s next book: Joint-Friendly Fitness: Your Guide to the Optimal Exercise Program. Having seen a draft, I am very excited about this book and looking forward to talking to Bill to learn all about it.

To connect with Bill and learn all about his upcoming book, product and services, go to optimalexercisenj.com 

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