Dilip Jeste, MD, is a neuropsychiatrist who has spent more than 20 years studying aspects of wisdom and healthy aging. He is a professor of psychiatry and neurosciences and the director of the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of California San Diego, and a past president of the American Psychiatric Association. His main areas of research include schizophrenia, neuropsychiatric interventions, and successful aging. He has published 14 books, including Wiser. In it he describes evidence-based findings on the definition, measurement, and neurobiology of wisdom as well as its relationship with aging, and interventions to promote wisdom.

He and Dawson have a warm and engaging conversation about:
* How the brains of wiser older people show positive neuroplasticity
* Direct ways of stimulating positive neuroplasticity, like transcranial magnetic stimulation to DPFC ten minutes for 10 days, 5 days week
* Mindfulness can increase volume of gray matter, with matter integrity, in the brain
* Are there people too damaged to heal?
* Serenity prayer. Some things we can’t change, and everyone dies. Focus on what you actually can.

For more information about Dr. Dilip Jeste: https://dilipjestemd.com/

For more information about Dr. Dawson Church: http://www.dawsongift.com/

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