Dr. Adriana Popescu is a licensed clinical psychologist and empowerment coach with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She is a certified hypnotherapist and finds that EFT and other Energy Psychology methods provide incredibly powerful tools to identify and eliminate the deep-rooted causes of suffering and distress. She specializes in treating addiction, co-occurring disorders, and trauma, and has directed a number of treatment programs in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is currently the Clinical Director at Avery Lane, an innovative treatment program for women with co-occurring trauma, addiction and mental health disorders. She loves to empower people to overcome their perceived limitations, release their self-judgments, and discover the brilliance within.

She and Dawson are friends, and here they reflect on:

How Addiction is a social disease, triggered by loneliness.
Why conventional treatment is substance abuse focused, the usual approach is to treat trauma later.

Why most conventional treatments use the 12-step model with drug and alcohol counselors rather than Energy Psychology.

From the ACEs study we know that when people go through traumatic events produces lasting impact on brain and body.

Addiction clients are so used to growing up with trauma that meditation feels foreign, weird, they’re not used to relaxation.

Early on tapping, helps them get back in their body, brings cortisol and adrenaline down.

Starting with 10 minute guided meditation; brains can change and regenerate.

What creates sustained recovery is to let go of old persona and claim your light self.

For more information on Dr. Adriana Popescu: https://adrianapopescu.org/

For more information about Dr. Dawson Church: http://www.dawsongift.com/

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