Thomas Legrand works in the field of sustainability for UN agencies, private companies, and NGOs. He has a PhD in Ecological Economics and focuses on forest conservation, climate change, sustainable finance, and organizational transformation. His spiritual journey began at the age of 23 with an encounter with native spirituality in Mexico, before embracing the wisdom of a wide range of traditions and practices, including meditation, energetic healing and Tai-chi-chuan. He lives with his wife and their two young daughters near Plum Village, the monastery of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the Southwest of France. His spiritual search, his thought as a social scientist and his professional experience have gradually converged on the importance of spiritual wisdom in humanity’s ongoing transition. His book The Politics of Being presents a way to mainstream this understanding in the political and sustainability conversation.

Here he and Dawson reflect on:

A connection to forests
Thomas' story

Thích Nhất Hạnh's “engaged spirituality”

How do we organize societies for love and compassion?
Parenting for secure attachment
The cultural narrative of separation
Models of social equality
Choosing a more simple life
How personal and social flourishing are two sides of the same coin 
Being is becoming the best version of who we are, human qualities and virtues
Individual policies being implemented in different countries
Ways of living to shift to being much more fulfilling
Being connected to our real needs as human beings
Fulfilling work that has meaning and is in service to the world
Health includes healing emotions and living as a spiritual journey
Political systems would not be polarized, driven by ideologies
People at every level would be involved in decision making
An economy that secures the basic needs of everyone and reduces inequality
Bringing all these values together into a coherent narrative 

For more about Thomas and his work:

And for more about Dawson and his work:


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