Nancy Sokol Green is a former classroom teacher, trainer of teachers, and author of Connection Mode. She developed Brain Highways, an innovative educational program used in many schools throughout the United States. The exercises used in the program rewire the brain to live in “connection mode,” which fosters curiosity, focus and compassion. Over 20,000 children and adults have gone through the Brain Highways program since 1999.

Nancy's website ( has many free videos and an online screening that shows us how to get into connection mode.

She and Dawson share about:

Nancy's background
Brain development
Adults with "compensating with behaviors"
Examples of these compensations are:Rocking back and forth in your chair
Tapping on your finger, the chair, the floor
Excessive humming
Worry about tags on your clothing
Muttering or talking under your breath
Feeling everything acutely, like the pressure of the tags on your clothing
Texture of food drives people crazy
Can't make eye contact
Eyes move around or they tilt their head when they’re reading

EFT tapping is one way to bring people back into connection mode
Tapping is both replenishing and resolving 
Ways of encouraging 3 years old to tap, different ways for teens

Again, you can find Nancy at:

And Dawson at:

#eft #eftuniverse #highenergyhealth #connectingwithself #brain #blissbrain #mindtomatter #children #tapping #brainhighways