Jenny Johnston is an EFT Universe trainer and practitioner. A former occupational therapist, she's also founder of Quantum EFT for the Soul. She's the best-selling author of Tapping into Past Lives and Your Past Life Inheritance. Here she and Dawson reflect on topics such as:

Soul learning and soul agreements
Discovering past lives
Stepping into our soul power in this lifetime 
Working with multidimensional levels
How the hypnotic state can change the past
Clearing grief and sadness 
How past lifetimes affect the current physical and multidimensional DNA
How many lifetimes does the average person have?
The reason we’re triggered by certain situations is because we’ve experienced it before
Only part of our self incarnates in a body
Why your soul brought you into a family with certain problems/issues?
What you can learn from your past lives.

Jenny's websites are: and

Host Dr. Dawson Church can be found at:

#eftuniverse #mindtomatter #blissbrain #pastlives #tapping #pastliferegression