It's been a minute since I've done a solo commentary (other people are more awesome!) so switching things up a bit this time around. I recently spoke at my day job about my work around food: why people should cook and how we can start cooking. I cover the things I've done to make cooking easier, more fun, and more effective personally and during our Hidden Apron dinners. A lot of the ideas here are not original at all but I think many of them often get overlooked for flashier "cooking show" content that isn't designed to set up beginners and busy folk for success in their kitchens. If you've always wanted to start cooking but find it too daunting/difficult/unnecessary, listen on as I touch on everything from:

- Why we eat the way we eat in America
- The bare minimum kitchen essentials (emphasis on minimum)
- The problem with how recipes are written today and the ONE recipe you need
- A different (read: more fundamental) way to look at cooking
- Tackling the weekly dinner

More information can be found at, contact us at [email protected], or catch us on Instagram @hidden_apron.