Show notes – On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru welcome Haisten and Cami from the Talladega Career Tech Robotics Team, the Degabots.  Bruce, once again, is aghast at his selections of stories this week. Star Wars movie. New GTA Release. Netflix working on new Tech. Microsoft and more of it’s woes. Nathan […]

Show notes –

On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru welcome Haisten and Cami from the Talladega Career Tech Robotics Team, the Degabots.  Bruce, once again, is aghast at his selections of stories this week. Star Wars movie. New GTA Release. Netflix working on new Tech. Microsoft and more of it’s woes. Nathan from asks us about a new PC purchase. The hack of the week, This Week in Tech History, and an even shorter Overclocked Stack rounds out a great show.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. Bruce says Happy Holidays.