Show notes – On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru welcome Larry McReynolds to the show to talk about the Tech of NASCAR. Bruce assembles his lego phone holder from the Fi network. Google Collecting Student Data – beating apple. iOS 9.2 update.  Law to allow mining in space. Gigabit internet.  Eric Schmidt says let’s censor.  A […]

Show notes –

On This Weeks episode Michael, Bruce, and The Guru welcome Larry McReynolds to the show to talk about the Tech of NASCAR. Bruce assembles his lego phone holder from the Fi network. Google Collecting Student Data – beating apple. iOS 9.2 update.  Law to allow mining in space. Gigabit internet.  Eric Schmidt says let’s censor.  A question on asynchronous vs synchronous for Broadband. Our Rumors, This Week in Tech History, and a short Overclocked Stack rounds out a great show.