October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. Black women are 3 to 4 times likely to die at childbirth. This episode's guest, Tiffanie Williams opens up and shares her personal story and pain on the journey to motherhood. This episode's Thriver Nuggets takes a look into Black Maternal Health disparities in the United States. 

Make sure you are following me on all social media: Leah M Forney. Visit & Subscribe to my email list on my website: www.leahmforney.com 

Tiffanie's Contact info: 

email: [email protected]

website: www.tiffanieepiphany.com

Foundation website: www.liamlivesfoundationinc.org

IG: @tiffanie_epiphany183

FB: Dr. Tiffanie L Williams

Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VNHBYXG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_YbYcGb8R3W5TZ?pldnSite=1