Halloween, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza, New Year's.

These celebratory days can create anxiety and fear of weight gain for those on an aggressive weight loss diet or trying to stay accountable to their program.

That's why William, along with Coach Gillis and Coach Zach, are going to help you out... before the candy sales get nuts and aunt Jamie invites over for pie and ice cream.

This episode will gift you Holiday hacks to remain in control of your nutrition.

Let Will, Gillis, and Zach provide you with the tools to avoid the dreaded YOLO self-sabotaging cycles from partaking in events that revolve around food and drinks.

Learn how to stay in control of your diet and still get movement when traveling over the holidays, and still have balance for celebrations without throwing you off track.

We'll also talk about the mentality you need to have in place when you feel the pressure to indulge more than you should.

The team will discuss the differences between whether or not you should try a diet break or a maintenance phase during the holidays and the difference between the two approaches.

A big cause for concern is family members who question your eating habits around the dinner table. We talk about how to address this negative energy and keep your cool.

Don't fear the holidays! Work with them and not against them. Keep listening, and we'll teach you how!