I’m going to share a perfect example of how NOT to close a sale. Do this and you will lose your chances of gaining a new client. Firstly let me ask…how much is a sale worth to you? …meaning if you sold one of your biggest ticket products? Eg like a coaching program, a consultancy Listen In

The post HP 90: How Do I Close Sales When My Product Is Expensive? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

I’m going to share a perfect example of how NOT to close a sale. Do this and you will lose your chances of gaining a new client.

Firstly let me ask…how much is a sale worth to you? …meaning if you sold one of your biggest ticket products?

Eg like a coaching program, a consultancy fee, a membership etc.

If you are selling a service/product that has a ‘Big Price Tag’ then listen to this as this is a fatal mistake most people making and has then lost most of their sales.

Today I share with you a perfect example of a poor sales process that has been presented to me as a customer that  I’m going to share exactly what went wrong so you don’t do this in your business.

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The post HP 90: How Do I Close Sales When My Product Is Expensive? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.