If you’re ready for up-levelling, then this is the lady for you! If you have blocks…money blocks or just know damn well you are ready to expand and cut off from past negative programming…this interview is for you. Rhiannon Rees is renowned as one of the most refined multi-spectrum, self-development experts in the world. An Listen In

The post HP 87: Homeless to Global Business Guru with Rhiannon Rees appeared first on The Wellness Couch.

If you’re ready for up-levelling, then this is the lady for you!

If you have blocks…money blocks or just know damn well you are ready to expand and cut off from past negative programming…this interview is for you.

Rhiannon Rees is renowned as one of the most refined multi-spectrum, self-development experts in the world.

An expert who trumps in the gymnastics of “brain neuroplasticity”, able to crack self-limiting beliefs and install better more productive, successful beliefs and practices which then extend into Business Profitability/Sports Success etc.

At 27 she began business for the Largest Global Publishing House “Thomsons”. With no product knowledge, no clients and no expertise in the area of these products/services she was able to create a multi-million dollar business in less than 12 months with nearly 1000 clients.

Today we hear Rhiannon’s story about the ground from homeless to a millionaire; quantum physics and the power of your mind vast perception.

If you want to learn more about Rhiannon you can find her here.

Mentions on the show:

FREE GIFT: Climbing Mount Everest In Sandals

Rhiannon’s website 

Enjoy xx

Listen on Annette’s website here

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Listen on Annette’s website

The post HP 87: Homeless to Global Business Guru with Rhiannon Rees appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
