Gary Pinkerton welcomes Tony Wright back to the show. Last time Tony talked about becoming a successful real estate investor. This time, however, he's back to discuss his experience working on a FEMA Global Disaster Response team through the LA County Fire Department. Tony documents his experience responding to the earthquake in Nepal, as well as some of his most interesting calls as a firefighter.

Key Takeaways:

Gary Monologue:

[1:16] The importance of a mastermind group

[4:20] Ben Franklin's thoughts on masterminds, and why they're still applicable today

Tony Wright Interview:

[1:12] What the disaster response team is like

[5:26] Whether the response team works with the locals or if they prefer to work alone

[10:16] What kind of notice Tony gets as a part of the team

[12:36] Disaster responses by people around the world
