When Gary saw his net worth decline by 50% in the late 2000s, he knew he needed to take a different track if he was going to retire successfully. His pension after 26 years in the military is pretty safe, but many first responders for cities and states aren't nearly as secure. What can first responders do to protect themselves from market downturns and pension cuts?

Jason welcomes Nick Giambruno to the show. Nick details the problematic pension crisis and shares how it will affect state and local governments. And, he talks about how decentralized cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, may be the answer to taking power away from the centralized government and the current geopolitical climate.

Key Takeaways:

[0:52] Stop trading time for dollars and replace it with passive income

[3:09] How military and first responders share similar financial challenges

Nick Giambruno Interview:

[8:11] Nick explains the future pension crisis.

[13:20] Property taxes will go up in order to offset the pension crisis.

[16:06] Will there be a federal bailout for the state and local governments?

[17:51] Analyzing the longevity and validity of cryptocurrencies.

[27:31] The US and China may be at the beginning of a trade war.


